Chapter 12 is about DNA and RNA

YOU are amazing! I absolutely believe this. At the core of your cells is your DNA. We are all so different and yet our DNA is nearly identical. I want you to learn the science to what makes you YOU but I really want you to enjoy the learning and be amazed.





You will be reading the first part of your textbook. As you read fill out the worksheet. After you finish color your Double Helix worksheet.

G= red




Phospahate= yellow

sugar= green



Edible DNA- read your sheets carefully and with a partner complete you model of DNA, no eating the model until its time! When you are done click on the DNA page from

The Stanford School of Medicine, picture below.

Complete at least 4 (from the 5 listed) of the activities on the website. Keep track of them on your worksheet and turn it in by the end of class.

Genes in common

Seeing color

Genes on board

Are you a Supertaster?

PTC tasting





* * * *
36% 98% 85% *
7% 15% 21% *




Head on over to this website


and complete the activity.


DNA-RNA-Proetin Synthesis

Here is the video that we watched in class.

From RNA to Protein Synthesis.flv


A very comprehensive power point

Chapter 12: DNA and RNA

Biology Chapter 12 Dna & Rna
View more presentations from walajtys.




Mitosis Lab- Click on the link below to start the lab.

The Biology Project at Arizona University


You will be at step 5 of the directions. Read and carefully do the lab.



Here is a site for a tutorial that describes DNA. Are you having some trouble? Click on the link and go through the slides.

DNA Tutorial



DNA - Protein Synthesis practice  





When we get ready to learn meiosis, view this video.